Our Constitution

Constitution of Pulso Latino

At Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore Colleges




To foster appreciation of the art and culture of Latin movement, Pulso Latino is hereby established effective January 1, 2007. Amended Fall 2014.


Article I



The name of this organization shall be Pulso Latino.


Article II



The purpose of the organization is to provide the Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore communities with opportunities to learn and to practice Latin dance through instruction, guided practice, and social dancing activity.  Pulso Latino will introduce the styles of Mambo, Salsa, Reggaeton, Cha-cha, Rumba, Merengue, Samba, Flamenco, Bachata, Tango, and other Latin-influenced dance styles to those who may have never had the opportunity to encounter these dances, as their instruction is often costly, and to share the culture of Latin countries through traditional food and costume.

Dedicated to the exuberance and passion of Latin culture, Pulso Latino aims to attract a multitude of dancers, regardless of ethnicity. Members will be given the opportunity to both audition for and choreograph individual pieces, which are performed at the end of each semester and during special events. Additionally, professionally instructed classes or workshops will be offered to aid the creative process, as night-clubs tend to challenge dancers differently than choreographed routines performed before an audience. Members will participate in volunteer activities involving latin dance in the surrounding community at least once per semester.


Article III



Section 1: Eligibility:

All affiliates of the Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore College community who are interested in Latin dance and culture may audition to be members.  


Section 2: Active Membership:

Active or Voting membership in Pulso Latino is granted by audition. Members must participate in Club meetings as well as be involved either in choreographing or being a part of a dance in order to retain active membership for the academic year. Members are allowed one (1), and only one, semester off from Pulso Latino while retaining active membership.


Article IV



Section 1: Number and Method of Elections:

Pulso Latino shall elect from the active membership Co-Presidents (must be current members of the executive board), Treasurer, Secretary, Showcase Coordinators, Artistic Director, and Social Outreach and Publicity Coordinator at the last meeting of spring semester from the members in attendance. Officers shall serve for the calendar year and constitute the Executive Board.


Section 2: Duties of Officers:

  1.  Co-Presidents:
  2. Preside over all meetings of Pulso Latino
  3. Provide for the continuation of the Club for the next year
  4. Represent the Club to the Tri-Co community
  1. Set-up volunteer opportunities
  2. Design and post advertising/social media related to everything BUT the showcase (see Showcase Coordinator position)
  1.  Treasurer:
  2. Account for all financial matters of the organization.
  3. Any duties deemed necessary by the Co-Presidents.
  4. Keep contact with our financial representatives.
  5. Secretary:
  6. Maintain communication among Club members
  7. Keep notes of all meetings and e-mail updates especially when events are coming up.
  8. Showcase Coordinators (2):
  9. Plan performances for the Club in consultation with the membership
  10. Contact Goodhart/Marshall/performance venue to reserve location and organize tech, dress, space use, etc.
  11. Hand out lighting sheets, obtain music files, inform group about technical things
  12. Coordinate guest performers for showcase and keep them informed
  1. Design and post advertising/social media related to the showcase
  2. Coordinate any guest performances in non-Pulso events
  1. Artistic Director:
  2. Assist choreographers with development of pieces and staging
  3. Monitor rehearsals and performance needs
  4. Video tape funny moments and put together a preview video (if they choose)
  5. Attend practices at least once before first showing and before second showing. Address problems with exec if need be.
  6. Get feedback from members through e-mail if there are any issues with pieces
  1. Choreograph the exec piece, in the event that no other executive board member volunteers to choreograph
  2. Choreograph a piece for the showcase, in the event that there are not enough pieces to perform in said showcase


Section 3: Term of Officers:

Officers serve for a full calendar year and can be re-elected to their position as long as they are willing and available to serve.  Each officer is responsible for providing for an orderly transition to new officers upon leaving their position including passing down all pertinent information, particularly contact information.


Section 4: Replacement of Officers:

Officers who cannot fulfill their duties may step down voluntarily and are responsible for finding a replacement.


Article V



Section 1: Regular Meetings:

All organizational meetings are MANDATORY and will be held at the beginning of the semester as well as during the semester.  Meetings will be held at such times during the semester as events are scheduled. Membership may be jeopardized if there is failure to attend both showings and general body meetings.


Section 2: Showings:

At scheduled times during each semester, showings will be held to review progress in choreography by members. Two showings will be held each semester and pieces must be complete by second showing.


Section 3: Showcase:

A showcase of Latin dance choreographed and performed by members and guest artists will be held once each semester, unless otherwise unanimously decided upon by the current executive board.


Section 4: Special Events:

The Executive Board in consultation with the membership will plan and conduct special events for members and/or the community throughout the year, including movie nights, dance lessons, master classes, volunteering opportunities and other activities. Members must attend either a volunteer or workshop event and a bonding each semester in order to maintain membership in Pulso Latino.

Bi-Co Latin Dance Group